Fort Carson Concert Community Preference
Live Musical Genres
Which music genres do you enjoy most at live concerts? (Select all that apply)
Musical Genre: OTHER
Please suggest genre/s you would like to see that are not on the previous list.
Most Important Factor
What is the most important factor when choosing a concert to attend?
Genre of music
Artist or band performing
Atmosphere and venue
Concert location
Time and date of the event
New Artist Interest
Would you be interested in attending a concert that features up-and-coming or lesser-known artists in your favorite genre?
Yes, I love discovering new artists live!
Maybe, depending on the artist/band
No, I prefer well-known acts only
Not sure
Specific Artist Importance
How important is it for the concert to feature a specific artist or band in the genre you're interested in?
Very important: I'd only attend if my favorite artist is performing
Somewhat important: I’d go if I like the lineup
Not very important: I enjoy seeing a variety of artists in the genre
Not important at all: I’m more focused on the genre than the individual performers
Multi-Genre Music Festival Interest
Would you be interested in attending a multi-genre music festival with performances from different types of artists?
Yes, definitely
Maybe, depending on the lineup
No, I prefer concerts of one genre only
No, I’m not interested in festivals
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